3d printing SLS: selective laser sintering
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) technology has one of the largest production potentials. Support structures are not required in the SLS process, which is a big advantage of this technology. The SLS system we use has a unique solution: open parameters, thanks to which we can optimize the technological parameters, adapting them to your application.
What are the benefits of SLS?

Benefit #1
Allows the use of different types of powders to produce items with a variety of mechanical properties.

Benefit #2
Does not require additional support for printing, making it possible to print complex geometry without having to remove additional support structures.

Benefit #3
It produces prints with high precision and also good surface quality, making it ideal for the production of complex parts.

Benefit #4
It enables rapid prototyping of sustainable materials, which is particularly beneficial in the design and prototyping process.

Durable engineering material
Biocompatibility according to EN ISO 10993-1 & USP/level VI/121 °C
Food Safe certificate in accordance with European Directive 2002/72/EC (excluding alcoholic products)
High chemical resistance
The possibility of using advanced post-processing - more information in postprocessing
Other names: PA2241FR (trade name). PA12 polyamide-based material with additives ensuring non-flammability of the material. The material is most commonly used in aviation and railways and wherever non-flammability is required.
Fire resistance class: CS 25 / JAR25 / FAR 25 § 25-853 (a) App. F Part I, ABD 0031
Good mechanical properties
High chemical resistance
High impact strength
More flexibility compared to PA12
Cytotoxicity certificate according to DIN EN ISO 10993-5
Low density
Low melting point
Relatively easy process of removing the lost model from the foundry mold
Reduced amount of ashes during burn out process
Costs and Lead Time

Costs and Lead Time
Part volume (space in the machine working chamber)
Material used
Production series size
Occurrence of complex spaces in terms of cleaning them from unseaed powder
Choosing express execution options
Applied postprocessing
Want to optimize costs?
Want to optimize costs?
SLS Design Principles

With SLS, we recommend that you follow these rules:

Minimum hole diameter 1.5 mm

Minimum wall thickness 1 mm

The minimum clearance for moving parts is 0.2 mm

Positioning pins should be at least 2 mm thick/medium

The dimensional tolerance in SLS is +/- 0.3 % of the dimension measured at the lower limit +/- 0.3 mm

In SLS it is not recommended to use massive cross-sections (above 4 mm). Of course, we produce massive walls (above 4 mm), but we take an individual approach to this

In confined spaces (if unseasted powder needs to be removed), use technical holes to evacuate the powder
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